Educating Each Child for Success
Dream - Believe - Achieve

Saturday, April 16, 2011

10 Picture Tour of Lake Contrary

Lake Contrary Elementary
Lake Contrary Elementary
Named after the area lake, Lake Contrary Elementary is a Title I elementary school grades pre-K through 6.
Each day our students, parents, and staff are greeted by our school district’s mission, Educating Each Child for Success. Our Welcoming Committee shares a good morning, smile, or immediate intervention for students each day. They also welcome visitors, direct them to the office or to their teacher’s classroom.
Wall of Distinguished Alumni
Wall of Distinguished Alumni
Our school’s motto is, Dream, Believe, Achieve. Through a PTA grant we were able to fund this wall that displays a photo and name plate of some of our most distinguished alumni. The purpose of our wall is to enhance career education for our students by displaying real careers and post-secondary education of our past students. Our wall showcases educators, doctors, police officers, majors in chemistry, physical therapy, finance, and even professional athletes!
Lake's Gym
Lake's Gym
This is a photo of our gymnasium. Our amazing PE teacher posts student work all around our gym walls and encourages students to set and track goals based on our formative assessment professional development.
Classroom Entrance
Classroom Entrance
This is what an entrance to a typical classroom looks like. You will see an All-About-Me poster from the teacher so that new students and parents can read all about their teacher! The school community also fills classroom buckets with compliments (notice the bucket and bag of shapes). Our entrances are designed to be welcoming and promote our BEARS Expectations: Be responsible, Everyone matters, Achieve success, Respect others, Safety first.
Student Work Displays
Student Work Displays
Our school posts what we value, student work! In this photo you are seeing how one classroom teacher displays work that incorporates components of balanced literacy with problem and solution. The teacher includes rubrics, reading response journals, guided and independent work, and modeling of read alouds/think alouds with problem and solution. 
Classroom Library
Classroom Library
This is an example of a classroom library. We organize them by genre, author, reading levels, featured books, and student or teacher recommendations.
Music Room
Music Room
Our music room incorporates literacy, cooperative learning, and technology daily.
Our playground includes equipment that promotes physical health from Project Fit America.
Special Education
Special Education
This is our classroom for special education. I love the welcoming messages each morning for students. This one says, “We believe in you!”
Outdoor Classroom
Outdoor Classroom
Just one more…the outdoor classroom is located next to our future sites for a kickball field and community garden, coming this May!

1 comment:

  1. These pictures are a great representation of our school. I love the feel of the walk through that encompasses areas that even teachers don't have the opportunity to see each day.
