Years ago, when Mrs. Halloran taught 4th grade her students told her they could never be scientists. Since then she's made it her mission to bring science awareness and scientific careers to Lake Contrary students. Each year she coordinates the Lake Contrary Hometown Science Club. This science club is more than a club it is a state of the art science education opportunity, complete with guest speakers and on-site learning at various locations in St. Joseph.
Speakers include Native American Experts, entomologist, Shelly Cox from the Missouri Department of Conservation, forensic detective Thom Cates, Diane Jurchen from the Beekeeping Federation of America, meterologists Mike Bacciano and Justin Gesling, Susan Fisher geologist from the Environmental Protection Agency and Laurie Salanski the Executive Director of the Humane Society of St. Joseph. This year we will also learn from Dr. David Ashley a biologist at Missouri Western State University with a special visit from Dr. Morgan with the traveling Bio Technology Mobile Laboratory from MWSU as well. This lab is designed to travel to secondary school locations, Lake Contrary is the only elementary school that will get this opportunity!
Mrs. Halloran's Hometown Scientists' Club also tours the Remington Nature Center. There they speak to Mike and Andrea George about Native Americans and use of science in their daily lives.
As you can tell, this is a club unlike any other! Not only in its innovation but because it is coordinated by a dedicated teacher who believes that Lake Contrary students can accomplish anything! I can't wait for Lake Contrary alumni to come back and teach our next generation about careers in science!
I am a biology teacher today largely because of some of my experiences with Dr. David Ashley. You can repeat that to anyone you wish. Awesome post. Awesome opportunity for kids.